Table 2

Number and type of complications on admission and during the hospital stay in groups 1 (successfully treated) and 2 (“late failures”). Note that pneumonia and COPD exacerbations were considered causes of acute respiratory failure necessitating mechanical ventilation

On admission During hospital stay
Complications Group 1 (n=106) Group 2 (n=31) Group 1 (n=106) Group 2
Pneumonia04 (12.9%)2-150
Cardiac impairment22 (20.7%)7 (22.5%)8 (6.1%)5 (16.1%)
Acute renal failure9 (8.4%)3 (9.6%)1 (0.9%)0
Metabolic complications3 (2.8%)7 (22.5%)2-151 1 (0.9%)2 (6.4%)
Gastrointestinal complications4 (3.7%)1 (3.2%)02 (6.4%)
Pulmonary embolism03 (2.8%)1 (3.2%)
COPD exacerbation013 (41.9%)
Coma8 (7.5%)1 (3.2%)03 (9.6%)
Shock01 (3.2%)01 (3.2%)
Sepsis1 (0.9%)3 (9.6%)01 (3.2%)
DIC01 (3.2%)00
  • 2-150 Nosocomial pneumonia.

  • 2-151 p = 0.034, metabolic complications on admission, group 1 versus group 2.

  • DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation.