Table 1

Patient characteristics

Nedocromil sodium
(n = 38)
(n = 41)
Mean (range) age (years)8.6 (6–12)9.0 (6–12)
Mean (range) height (cm)134.1 (115–159)134.3 (104–161)
Mean (range) weight (kg)31.7 (22–49)32.8 (17–68)
Atopic status
Mean (SD, range) lung function (pre-bronchodilator)
FEV1 (l)1.424 (0.542, 0.51–2.83)1.438 (0.604, 0.53–2.66)
 FVC (l)1.880 (0.609, 0.81–3.48)1.813 (0.663, 0.63–3.06)
 PEF (l/min)186 (75.57, 69–364)192.8 (65.91, 93–347)
Mean (SD, range) lung function (post-bronchodilator)
FEV1 (l)1.627 (0.510, 0.80–2.88)1.595 (0.566, 0.67–2.73)
 FVC (l)1.982 (0.583, 1.00–3.39)1.957 (0.597, 0.77–3.31)
 PEF (l/min)215.3 (67.71, 103–363)214.9 (72.81, 84–368)
Mean (SD, range) reversibility of
FEV1 (%)
19.8 (17.68, 2–57)16.6 (12.68, 2–68)
Oral corticosteroids used in treatment of acute attack:
Asthma treatment on admission:
β2 agonists3541
 Beclomethasone dipropionate01
 Ipratropium bromide01
 Sodium cromoglycate01
  • FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC = forced vital capacity; PEF = peak expiratory flow.