Table 1

Incidence of nosocomial pneumonia and ARDS: methods used

AuthorsStudyDiagnosis of pneumonia
No. of patientsInclusion criteriaDesignMean
Clinical criteriaSampling method
Seidenfeld et al 10 129ARDSObservational for  infections1. Positive sputum culture
2. New radiographic infiltrates
3. Clinical evidence of infection
Sutherlandet al 12 105ARDSSurveillance, specimens
 on days 3, 7, 14, and 21
251-a 1. Fever (>38.3°C, rectal)PSB, BAL
2. Leucocytosis (>10 000/mm3)
3. Purulent sputum with bacterial
  growth or positive Gram stain
4. Focal radiographic infiltrate1-b
Delclaux et al 13 30ARDSSurveillance, specimens  taken every 48–72 h19 (12)1. Fever (⩾38.3°C)PTC, BAL
2. Leucocytosis (>10 000/mm3)
3. Increased volume or purulent sputum
4. Focal radiographic infiltrate1-b
Meduriet al 14 111ARDS and
  clinical criteria
of pneumonia
Diagnostic comparison23 (14)1-c Fever (⩾38.3°C) and at least one of
 the following:
Bilateral BAL
1. New and persistent infiltrates in
2. The chest radiograph
3. Leucocytosis (>10 000/mm3)
4. Purulent tracheal aspiration
Chastre et al 15 56MV ⩾48 hours,
  ARDS identified during ICU stay
Observational, specimens   taken on clinical suspicion of pneumonia26 (26)1. Clinical deteriorationPSB, BAL, ICO
2. Fever, or
3. Modification of chest radiograph
  • BAL = bronchoalveolar lavage; EA = endotracheal aspirate; MV = duration of mechanical ventilation during the study period; ICO = intracellular organisms; PSB = protected specimen brush; PTC = single-sheathed plugged telescopic catheter.

  • 1-a No standard deviation given.

  • 1-b At least three criteria for possible pneumonia; all four criteria for probable pneumonia.

  • 1-c For all episodes.