Table 2

Twin studies in pulmonary function

ReferenceLocation and yearPairs of twinsLung function indicesIntrapair correlation (difference)Comments
Man and Zamel34 Canada, 1976106VC (l)(0.30)(0.55)3-150 Difference seems larger for the geometry of larger airways than for smaller ones
Hubert et al 32 USA, 1982127141FVC0.663-151 0.08Correlation in FVC between DZ twins was not significantly different from zero
FEV1 0.623-151 0.253-151
Redlineet al 33 USA, 1987256158FVC0.763-151 0.393-151 Adjusted for body size and smoking
FEV1 0.713-151 0.16
FEF25–75% 0.523-151 0.21
FEV1/FVC0.553-151 0.18
FEF25–75%/FVC0.533-151 0.21
Ghioet al 36 USA, 19894727FVC (l)(0.28)(0.36)Differences between MZ and DZ were not significant after adjusting for height
  • MZ = monozygotic twins; DZ = dizygotic twins; VC = vital capacity; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC = forced vital capacity; FEF25–75% = forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of the vital capacity; Vmax40, Vmax60 = maximal expiratory flow rate at 40% and 60% of vital capacity.

  • 3-150 p<0.05, difference between MZ and DZ.

  • 3-151 p<0.05, difference from zero.