Table 5

Unit costs of health care, 1996

Health careUnit costs (1996)
Cost per prescription35-1 £8.34
Cost per GP consultation35-2 £13.51
Cost per inpatient stay35-3 £812.40
Cost per outpatient stay35-4 £58.71
Cost per day case35-5 £135.40
  • 35-1 The cost per prescription was taken from theGovernment Expenditure Plans 1995/6 to 1997/8 11 published by the Department of Health (table 22) and inflated to 1996 prices using the HCHS estimates.

  • 35-2 The cost of GP consultation was taken from theGovernment Expenditure Plans 1995/6 to 1997/8 11 published by the Department of Health (table 21, page 56) and inflated to 1996 prices using the HCHS estimates.

  • 35-3 The cost per inpatient episode was taken from Health Service Indicators 1994/5,13 general surgery figure.

  • 35-4 The cost per outpatient attendance was taken from the CIPFA Health Service Financial Database 1996, Appendix , page 54.12

  • 35-5 The cost of a day case was estimated as the cost per inpatient day divided by the average length of stay. This provides a conservative estimate.