Appendix 1

Factor analysis:
S10I am worried that my asthma may interfere with the lives of the people closest to me0.73
S8Being asthmatic often makes me feel depressed0.71
S15Being asthmatic often makes me feel angry0.69
S11My asthma is severe0.66
S16I can’t enjoy a full life because of my asthma0.65
S14I worry that I might die from asthma0.64
S5I feel different from other people because I am an asthmatic0.63
S1I worry about the long term effects of asthma on my health0.62
S3Even when I feel well, I worry about getting an attack of asthma0.56
S13Asthma makes me physically less attractive0.51
(S17The people who are closest to me seem overly protective of me because of my asthma0.48)
Factor 2. Doctor-patient relationship
S30My doctor tells me everything I want to know about my asthma0.82
S22I feel understood by my doctor0.77
S7I have confidence in my doctor’s management of my asthma0.75
S28My doctor has helped to make my asthma better0.71
S18My doctor told me what the medicines he/she prescribed would do for me0.63
S4I wish that my doctor talked more to me about my asthma0.61
Factor 3. Stigma/pessimism
S27I avoid other people who know I am an asthmatic0.66
S12It embarrasses me to use asthma inhalers or other asthma medicines in public0.61
S29Looking towards the future, I feel certain that my asthma will get better0.50
(S25I feel somehow to blame for being an asthmatic0.49)
Factor 4. Self-efficacy
S21I know when an asthma attack is beginning0.65
S20I have confidence in my ability to cope with an asthma attack0.59
S19I don’t do anything about my asthma until it gets bad0.50
(S6I know what things start my asthma attacks0.48)
Each question was scored using a 5 point Leikert scale