
227 e-Letters

published between 2015 and 2018

  • Response to 'Extracellular Vesicles Research in Lipopolysaccharide-induced Acute Lung Injury Model'

    Dear Editors

    We thank Dr Zhang and colleagues for their comments on our paper1. We certainly agree that in this emerging field of extracellular vesicle (EV) research, it is vital that identification and characterisation of different EV populations are as robust as possible. To this end, we very much welcome detailed discussions on methodologies used for each study, to enhance and improve the quality of EV-related work within the lung research community.

    In our paper, we specifically chose to examine the role of microvesicles (MVs) in acute lung injury (ALI), and the roles of apoptotic bodies and exosomes are beyond the scope of the study. We do not exclude the presence of apoptotic bodies or surfactant micelles in our in vivo samples, or indeed single or clustered MVs larger than 1µm, however our surface marker analysis of MV subpopulations by flow cytometry was deliberately conservative and limited to only events below the conventional size cut off of 1µm. Hence figure 3 of our paper shows effectively only one EV population, i.e. MVs. For our isolation of MVs for functional studies, we used differential centrifugation to enrich MVs but these technical matters were discussed in some detail in the published manuscript.

    Dr Zhang and colleagues have concerns about the dose of LPS (20µg) used in our in vivo ALI model. However, intratracheal (i.t.) instillation of high dose LPS (20µg or more per mouse) is a clinically-relevant, well established model of AL...

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  • NEWS in COPD - Two different uses, one big problem

    I enjoyed reading Hodgson et al’s validation study on Early Warning Scores (EWS) in patients admitted with an exacerbation of COPD. The current problem with EWS such as the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in such patients is that the score is used in two contexts.

    The first is in the initial triage of patients on arrival to hospital based on their early risk of death. NEWS is well validated in this context, and I wholeheartedly agree that NEWS is the best tool for this at present; patients at risk of type 2 respiratory failure, with target oxygen saturations of 88-92%, are at a high risk of death in hospital and identifying these patients early to enable senior review is entirely appropriate.

    The problem comes with second use of NEWS – as a “track and trigger” tool used to monitor patients during their inpatient stay, with a rising score indicating deterioration, risk of death and the need for intervention. Hodgson et al have confirmed our finding that NEWS lacks specificity for patients with COPD. These patients will often have persistently high NEWS even when stable, well into their admission, and the actions this is supposed to trigger (hourly observations, senior review, etc.) are no longer appropriate. This leads to alarm fatigue, with high scores being ignored, increasing the risk of a true deterioration not being acted upon.

    The proposals of Hodgson et al that such patients should have individually assigned observation frequencie...

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  • Extracellular Vesicles Research in Lipopolysaccharide-induced Acute Lung Injury Model

    Dear Editors,
    We are writing to comment on the work entitled “Alveolar macrophage-derived microvesicles mediate acute lung injury” published by Dr. Soni et al on Thorax 2016; 71:1020-1029[1].

    Our group focuses on lung extracellular vesicle (EV) research and also studied the inhaled LPS-induced EVs in mouse models. Based on our experience, we raise the following comments to the work done by Dr. Soni et al and wish to draw attentions to future EV researchers. EV research is a novel field and carries a promising potential for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents. However, given the early stage of EV research, particular in the field of lung injury, the consistency of results relies largely on the precise techniques used in the isolation and characterization of these vesicles.

    Briefly, EV is currently classified into three major categories per the definition of Society of extracellular vesicle research [2]. Apoptotic bodies (ABs) are the largest sizes of EVs usually larger than 1 µm and often resulted from cell death. Microvesicles (MVs) are the middle sized EVs (200 nm-1 µm) and are generated via plasma membrane budding. Exosomes (Exos) are the smallest EVs (less than 200 nm) and often generated from IVB-ER-Golgi system. Due to the different mechanisms of generation, MVs and Exos usually favor different compositions and subsequently may carry differential downstream biological functions[3 4]. For example, Exos have been reported to carry t...

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  • A validation of the National Early Warning Score to predict outcome in patients with COPD exacerbation - Author response

    We thank Cardwell et al for their thoughtful comments on our paper.[1] The two alternative scoring systems did not demonstrate improved discrimination or calibration in our large dataset of AECOPD admissions. The authors suggest employing the Salford-NEWS only in patients ‘at risk’ of hypercapnic respiratory failure however, this introduces a subjective element that may negate the benefits of an objective physiological scoring system. As we emphasised in what we believe was a balanced discussion, patients with COPD should be managed in the right place by specialists and on-going education is crucial to avoid potential harms associated with misinterpretation of the NEWS alluded to by Cardwell and colleagues. Our article adds evidence that suggested RCP thresholds would indeed lead to unnecessary callouts in such patients. However, as we proposed, rather than abandon a scoring system that provides the significant advantages of standardisation and familiarity, it is possible to individualise patient management. For example, lowering observation frequency in a patient who is clinically ‘stable’, not increasing oxygen delivery if the prescribed target saturation is achieved, or taking into account prior/baseline physiology when deciding observation frequency and whether a senior review is required. Indeed a senior review may be appropriate to interpret whether the patient is at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure and be able to advise on appropriate targets and level of mon...

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  • Salford NEWS score used incorrectly in paper by Hodgson et al

    We read the paper of Hodgson and colleagues with interest.1 Unfortunately, we note that the Salford-NEWS system (observation chart based on target Oxygen saturation prescription) has been applied in this study to all patients with a diagnosis of acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) whereas we proposed applying this system for all patients at risk of type 2 (hypercapnic) respiratory failure, a group which includes many but not all patients with AECOPD and a number of patients with other conditions.2 Around 86% of those prescribed the lower range of Oxygen saturation (88-92%) in Salford are COPD patients judged to be at risk of hypercapnia, the remainder have conditions such as morbid obesity, neuro-muscular disorders, or complex lung diseases.3 Given this key difference in rationale we suggest that the Salford-NEWS system has been inappropriately applied in this study; hence, the conclusions have to be interpreted with extreme caution.

    When comparing NEWS with Salford-NEWS, it is clear that none of the systems had acceptable sensitivity at score thresholds of 5 and 7, and the most consistently reliable result from using either of them is the negative predictive value, which was similar. It was also evident that Salford-NEWS had better specificity at 91% and 95% compared to 57% and 80% for NEWS at score thresholds of 5 and 7 respectively. Since the increased sensitivity in NEWS is achieved at the expense of high “callout” rates, and low positive predictive value (8%...

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  • Change in NEWS from emergency department to medical ward in patients with COPD

    We read the article by Hodgson LE, et al with interest. The authors examined the performance of National Early Warning Score (NEWS) for patients with an acute exacerbation of COPD. A limitation to this study was that the electronic scores (ward-based) were used as first NEWS - as the (paper) observations within the emergency department (ED) could not be included. We have reviewed data from our Hospital Trust of patients admitted with exacerbation of COPD (n=111), to determine whether NEWS scores from the ED department (paper records) differed from the first observation recorded on subsequent transfer to the acute medical wards (Electronic Patient Records). Admissions direct to ICU or HDU were excluded. Wilcoxon rank test was used to compare NEWS scores from ED to ward. Results are median (IQR).
    NEWS in ED fell from 6 (4-8) to 4 (3-6) on the acute medical ward (P<0.0001) over a mean time interval of 377 (sd 182) mins. The change in NEWS was due to a reduction in scores for respiratory rate and heart rate. Improvement in score for oxygen saturations was offset by scoring for use of oxygen.
    Not including the NEWS at presentation could underestimate risk of mortality, and hence contribute to the reduced sensitivity of NEWS that was observed in patients with COPD. Alternatively, utilising the NEWS at presentation to ED may lead to lower specificity in a patient with rapidly improving physiology.
    Harmonisation of data collection between ED and the hospital...

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  • Holding chambers versus nebulisers for beta-agonist for asthma in the Accident & Emergency Unit
    Jacob M. Puliyel

    Dear Editor,

    The authors of the UK guidelines on asthma have asked for feedback based on audit.[1] The latest British guidelines for asthma management suggest that children with moderate exacerbation of asthma presenting to the accident and emergency unit (annexure 5) must be treated with beta agonists: 2 to 10 puffs via a spacer and re-assed after 15 minutes. This recommendation seems to be observed often in the...

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  • Aminophylline and the British Asthma Guidelines In Children
    Ahmad Abul-Ainine

    Dear Editor

    The British guidelines [1] recommended an aminophylline-loading dose of 5mg/kg for acute severe asthma in children. We are concerned that this is not based on reliable clinical or pharmacokinetics evidence.

    Aminophylline hydrate contains 80% theophylline base; [2] therefore 5mg aminophylline provides only 4mg theophylline. The volume of distribution (Vd) of theophylline is 0.44-0.57L/kg [3,4] this l...

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  • Reply to Dr Abul-Ainine re: Intravenous Salbutamol and The British Asthma Guidelines
    Gary Connett

    Dear Editor

    Dr. Abul-Anine highlights interesting pharmacokinetic data of relevance to the use of intravenous salbutamol and terbutaline to treat acute asthma in childhood.[1] The Brtitish guidelines for the management of asthma recommend a salbutamol loading dose (LD) of 15mcg/kg derived from that used in clinical studies showing good evidence for efficacy and safety.[2,3] There are no trial data for the safety and ef...

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  • Intravenous Salbutamol and The British Asthma Guidelines
    Ahmad Abul-Ainine

    Dear Editor

    The British asthma guidelines recommended salbutamol loading dose (LD) 15mcg/kg and maintenance dose (MD) 1-2mcg/kg/min (5mcg/kg/min in intensive care) for children’s acute severe asthma.[1] Terbutaline is similarly used in some paediatric units.
    My concerns are:

    (A) this MD can be several-fold the adult dose (e.g. 30-150 mcg/min in 30kg-child versus 3- 20mcg/min in adult!);...

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