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Radiographic patterns of acute chest syndrome
  1. Armand Mekontso Dessap
  1. Correspondence to Professor Armand Mekontso Dessap, AP-HP, Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri Mondor, DHU A-TVB, Service de Réanimation Médicale; UPEC, Faculté de Médecine, Groupe de recherche clinique CARMAS; 51 Av Mal deLattre de Tassigny, Créteil, Cedex 94 010, France; armand.dessap{at}

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Dear editor,

We read with great interest the year in review 2014 by Andy Bush and Ian Pavord1 on paediatric and adult clinical studies. While discussing our paper,2 the reviewer seems to have misinterpreted our results when saying that consolidation is more severe in the apex of adult sickle cell disease patients with acute chest syndrome. In fact, CT and bedside chest radiography showed that lung parenchyma was increasingly consolidated from apex to base.2 This distribution is in accordance with previous studies,3 ,4 but may vary with age, with young children having more upper and middle lobe disease, contrarily to adult patients.3


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  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.